Philipp Frank

Philipp Frank is a visionary German photographer and Land-Light-Artist, specialized in light installations and site-specific video-mapping.

With a fusion of Nature, Technology and Heart, Philipp creates engaging and captivating immersive spaces, images that transcend the ordinary in a journey where light, earth and emotion converge to evoke wonder and inspire the soul.

“Philipp is an extraordinary Land-Light-Artist - says Raki Nikahetiya, an important art curator and artist - known for his innovative and captivating creations that combine technology, art and human perception. With a deep passion for exploring the play of light, Frank has established himself as a leading figure in this field. His works often transcend traditional artistic boundaries and challenge viewers to reconsider their understanding of space and time.

Drawing inspiration from natural phenomena, science and philosophy, Philipp's installations and his performances create engaging environments that invite the public to experience light and nature in new and fascinating ways.”

Born in 1978 and raised in Munich, Germany, then moved to Paris, Philipp Frank embarked on his creative journey in the early 90s through the fascinating world of graffiti art.

The need to document his ephemeral works blossomed into a deep passion for photography and cinema.

With a Master in Communication Design (obtained in 2005) and more than 15 years of experience as Art Director and as an illustrator in the creative sector, Philipp has refined his skills and his artistic vision.

Today, Philipp's artistic activities transcend conventional boundaries and delve into the realms of art. Through his evocative works, he explores the interconnection between nature, geometry and multiverse, inviting viewers on a transformative journey of introspection and discovery.

Inspired by the words of Kahlil Gibran, Philipp believes that “work is love made visible”, infusing a bit of his soul into every creation.