Beatrice Zerbini

Beatrice Zerbini has managed to find a new and engaging language for love poetry.

In 2006 she opened the online page of tragicomic stories and poems “In comode rate”, which gave the name to his first sylloge in 2019, “In comode rate. Poesie d’amore” (In comode rate. Love poems) (ed. Interno Poesia), now in its thirteenth reissue in just three years. At the end of February 2023 she published “Padre nostro“, his first illustrated book (with illustrations by the Andersen prize awarded illustrator Sonia Maria Luce Possentini, for Carthusia Edizioni in the series Grandi Storie al quadrato), reprinted 20 days after its first edition.

She has participated and still participates in numerous festivals and exhibitions in Italy, including the Turin International Book Fair. Thanks to the meeting with Caterina Caselli, she signed two poetic texts for Sugar Music, set to music by Riccardo Sinigallia. One of these texts was made public for the first time at the Casa Internazionale delle donne (International Women's House), on the occasion of the presentation in Rome of the Foundation Una Nessuna Centomila.