2023 edition

More than 135 thousand spectators in 9 days, from 13 to 18 June, more than 100 appointments in four places in the city - Piazza Maggiore, Quadriportico dei Servi, Piazza della Pace with the Certosa Monumental Cemetery, the “Treno della Barca” - and a preview from 26 to 28 May in the new cultural district of Via Manzoni and Via Galliera: these are record numbers that characterized the first edition of the Bologna Portici Festival, opened by the unpublished monologue of the writer “walker” Paolo Nori on the “Portici” and closed by the spectacular “lighting” of the arcades of San Luca in the special light design project curated by Cesare Cremonini together with the City of Bologna, whose images have gone around the world.

Among the most suggestive moments, the walk in the sky by the tightrope walker Andrea Loreni at the Certosa Cemetery, the Orchestra of the Conservatory “G.B. Martini” with Oksana Lyniv, Music Director of the Teatro Comunale di Bologna, the “Polca chinata” show by the choreographer Alessandro Sciarroni, Golden Lion at the Venice Biennale, and that of the playwright and choreographer Claudia Castellucci dedicated to the birth of law and concept of justice.